By NKfV on onsdag, 19 augusti 2015
Category: Nyheter

PhD course at Tjärnö 12-16 Oct 2015, registration deadline 15 Sept

Aquaculture Centre West (VattenbruksCentrum Väst, at University of Gothenburg, Sweden invite PhD students and postdocs from all over the world to gather for 5 days of in a stimulating environment to learn and discuss about innovative systems for sustainable marine aquaculture. 

Applications should be sent by E‐mail to Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. no later than 15th Sept (N.B. new deadline! Previous deadline was 15th August).

Aim of the course

This PhD course, jointly hosted by the department of Biology and Environmental Science and the Department for Marine Science, will highlight innovative solutions to the aquaculture related prob-lems that society and the sector are facing by addressing new technical and biological alternatives.

Target group
The course is especially aimed for biologists that want to develop their skills in new, innovative, sustainable aquaculture production systems, with focus on both biological and technical solutions. The course contains a mixture of theory, group discussions and study visits. The course will be taught by local and international experts. Focus will be on different fields of aquaculture such as environmental impact, spatial planning, sustainable feeds, genetics, welfare and diseases, as well as both land based and sea based production systems. Both fed and extractive aquaculture will be addressed.

More info

You will find more info about the course content and what to be included in the application here,

and at:

Please send further to potential attendees.